Abraham-Hicks: Find Better Feeling Options

“V skutocnosti nezdielam nic nového, všetko, o co sa snažím, je aby som pomohol ludom si znovuspomenút, kým a co v skutocnosti sme.” (George Kavassilas) V priebehu rozhovoru Vám bude zdielat George Kavassilas informácie spojené s: -Pochopenie velkého podvodu a ETagendy. -Kým skutocne sme , z kadial pochádzame a kam smerujeme. -Rok 2012-2013, transformácia Matky Zeme a jej ludstva(vzostup). -Podrobný popis Matky Zem a jej obäte, ktorú ucinila pre tento cas. -“Finálny akt” tmavej sily za úcelom prevzatia kontroly ludskej… Continue reading

somechickslife.com – my Law of Attraction inspired blog about turning life’s contrasts into creative opportunities! New blogs being planned, too! In this excerpt from San Rafael in 2005, Esther Hicks / Abraham goes through a monologue about the basics of the Law of Attraction and how we can go about the process of making peace with what IS in our lives already, to enable us to vibrate harmoniously with emotions that will attract more of what we want, and less… Continue reading

bashar talks about the economy. excerpted from ‘hall of mirrors’. for further information and to purchase visit www.bashar.org
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Part 6 of 6 of the San Diego interview of Bashar, 1987.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

here is a link to donate to my Youtube videos ~ www.paypal.com I LOVE making these videos, and greatly appreciate anything you are inspired to give!! Thank you ? If you’re decidedly obsessed with the Vortex ;)…. and love to share fun, ?, and joy ~ feel free to come and play on facebook! I always enjoy making more friends….. and the “Abraham-focused” groups are amazingly high vibration places to connect and share! Thanks so much for sharing the beauty… Continue reading

PART 4 – youtu.be George Kavassilas Debunk
Video Rating: 3 / 5

The video to this message was sent to me by a friend a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t upload the video of the lecture but I recorded the audio and created these videos because I think it’s very important to share this message with others. The lecturer is George Kavassilas and he’s a representatitive of the Galactic Confederation of Light. There are 12 parts in total for… Continue reading