
Part 1: A collection of quotes and affirmations from Abraham-Hicks. The intention of this video is to help to soothe your current vibrational set point into a better feeling place on the emotional scale. For teachings of abraham-hicks visit www.abraham-hicks.com Jerry thank you for the asking, Esther thank you for the allowing and Abraham thank you for the remembering. With so much love and appreciation xxx
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Taken from the 6/18/11 Portland, OR workshop. For more information on Abraham Hicks works please visit: www.abraham-hicks.com All printed and recorded materials are copyrighted by Abraham-Hicks publications.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Taken from the 6/18/11 Portland, OR workshop. For more information on Abraham Hicks work please visit: www.abraham-hicks.com All written and recorded materials are copyrighted by Abraham-Hicks publications.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A good explanation, on how it feels from inside and shows on the outside:: using “the Power of the Universe that creates worlds” as AH call it, vs. being determined to make it happen. If you catch yourself that you see you’re trying to let it happen and… Continue reading

Taken from the Abraham-Hicks 6/25/11 Alaska Cruise. For more information please visit: www.abraham-hicks.com All materials are copyrighted by Abraham-Hicks publications.
Video Rating: 5 / 5