Cosmic Knowledge
For The Cosmically Prepared … These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment … To have sight without vision leaves you in a precarious state. This is true for you and also for humanity. It is not enough to simply see the tragedies occurring in the world–including in the Gulf of Mexico. See these things, but then also create a vision of healing to address the underlying causes. Problems caused by humans can be resolved by humans, especially when people such as you recognize their true role as Divine Changemakers. As you walk… Continue reading Note from Selacia: “This message from The Council of 12 came during the September 25 global meditation channeling. A key focus of that event during equinox week was to address the gap between vision and manifested reality. As part of the group channeling and guided meditative experience with The Council of 12, participants anchored new energies to support a bridging of the gap.” – Selacia 10/19/10 For thousands of years there has been a gap between the dreams of… Continue reading Welcome beloved brothers and sisters, we are here to guide and support you as you begin to move through the changes that are the new energies across planet earth. Many of you are struggling with illusion just now as the illusion tries to teach that nothing has changed, that the world is the same as it was yesterday. We are here to guide you strongly to detach from this teaching as it is not truth. Once more we ask… Continue reading The critical times are here and we are pressing to begin what will eventually lead to monumental changes in Continue reading We come with the language of light that is the LOVE that IS to support and guide ALL Continue reading We welcome you and we guide and support you at all times, we are the Galactic Council and Continue reading