
Picture George has always seen the world through different eyes compared to those around him. Even from a very young age he was aware that the universe was full of life, and could see and feel life around him in a far more significant way than other people, which included the teachings of the so called education system, religious doctrines and society in general portraying a vastly different and limited perspective. The journey began for George as far back as… Continue reading

I have a great respect for George Kavassilas and would like to share this recent video. Uploaded on July 12/11 by ” horusdownunder” which is George’s U-Tube Channel. For George’s USA August tour info www.ourjourneyhomeusa.com ECETI Ranch, WA Chicago, IL & Boston, MA
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Picture George has always seen the world through different eyes compared to those around him. Even from a very young age he was aware that the universe was full of life, and could see and feel life around him in a far more significant way than other people, which included the teachings of the so called education system, religious doctrines and society in general portraying a vastly different and limited perspective. The journey began for George as far back as… Continue reading

lightworkers.org Welcome Beloveds, we are here once more to guide you through the life journey that you came here to experience. We ask that you once more process all our words and guidance through your hearts. We note that many are failing to do this and would ask the question why is it so difficult for many of you to allow yourself to FEEL? Many who read our words are still using their mind to create the life experience and… Continue reading

lightworkers.org We acknowledge and appreciate how difficult it is to be a human BEing alive on the planet earth at this point in time. We also appreciate how steeped in illusion many are across the planet and how many lightworkers have now also fallen to the same illusion. We are here to guide and support at all times and we ask that you all step back and detach from what is unravelling before your eyes, to question it. Human “death”… Continue reading

lightworkers.org www.ask-aliens.com ask-aliens.blogspot.com I have heard that I will not be able to ascend fully until my DNA has been repaired. Is this true?” We are the Arcturians. It is wholly understandable that many people are speaking of DNA at this time. Particularly, when there are perceptual barriers to understanding the true nature of the ascension process, the subject of DNA returns. What we want to say to you is this: those of you who are already experiencing the ascension… Continue reading