
lightworkers.org Welcome beloveds we are here to guide and support all in this journey to wholeness. Many of you have fallen back into chaos as the energies move to expand your BEing and to pull the veils of illusion from your eyes. For many the journey into the heart has proved to be harder than thought and we guide you all at this time. The journey dear ones is not harder nor easier, it just IS. What is happening to… Continue reading

www.galacticroundtable.com I am Nibara of the Pleiadian High Counsel. I come with news of great importance. Around your planet are hundreds of ships from many worlds. They come to watch your Earth’s Ascension. They also come to make themselves known to you at a time of great global distress. They come as saviors for your environmental woes; however, they do not offer solutions to your one great need. You are divinely contracted to remain on Earth and be part of… Continue reading

lightworkers.org Welcome beloveds we are the high council of orion and we come with further messages of support and love at this time. We note that more and more humans are beginning to move towards heart centred life experience and we send much love and blessings to all. Many are unaware of the strength that they have deep within their BEing and we guide you to find this strength through your heart. All across the planet the energies continue to… Continue reading

lightworkers.org To have sight without vision leaves you in a precarious state. This is true for you and also for humanity. It is not enough to simply see the tragedies occurring in the world–including in the Gulf of Mexico. See these things, but then also create a vision of healing to address the underlying causes. Problems caused by humans can be resolved by humans, especially when people such as you recognize their true role as Divine Changemakers. As you walk… Continue reading

lightworkers.org Welcome beloved brothers and sisters, we are here to guide and support you as you begin to move through the changes that are the new energies across planet earth. Many of you are struggling with illusion just now as the illusion tries to teach that nothing has changed, that the world is the same as it was yesterday. We are here to guide you strongly to detach from this teaching as it is not truth. Once more we ask… Continue reading

lightworkers.org Hello dear, beautiful children, how it pleases me to converse through this child and talk to many of you. Continue reading