Our Journey

Our Universal journey

I highly recommend this book to all who wants to know what this reality is all about. Our journey here on this planet is to live life to its fullest. Understand the real reason why you’re here on this beautiful planet is perhaps your birth right as a Hu-Man. It is time to remove he veils that have blinded humanity and kept her in darkness.

For those who know not who George Kavassilas is then the best… Continue reading

Este es el final de los creditos, no se por que Oswalkedge puso nuestras fotos y no las de George, pero bueno, almenos les serviran a ustedes para espantar ratones, y matar cucarachas de un paro cardiaco. Perdon por lo borroso del video, pero asi es como George mismo lo subio a su canal. Quienes somos, de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos? • Que es el 2012 y la ascensión. • Que representa la activación del cuerpo planetario en… Continue reading

A Conversation with George Kavassilas. Recorded on 14 September, 2010. Presented by Michael J. Robey of Awaken TV. for more Continue reading

A Conversation with George Kavassilas. Recorded on 14 September, 2010. Presented by Michael J. Robey of Awaken TV. for more Continue reading

A Conversation with George Kavassilas. Recorded on 14 September, 2010. Presented by Michael J. Robey of Awaken TV. for more Continue reading

A Conversation with George Kavassilas. Recorded on 14 September, 2010. Presented by Michael J. Robey of Awaken TV. for more Continue reading