
Due to copyright claim from a third party (Lisa Gerrard) the original audio of this video had to be swapped. The new song is a dance song called REVIVAL by Dirtyhertz and Musselman (from Youtube audioswap repertoire). There is only a stream of Well-Being 🙂 LOVE YOU ALL ______________________________________ Abraham, through Esther Hicks, speaks of the most important message of the great teachers. It was my intention to make this video as simple as possible in order to keep the… Continue reading

Different point of view… I always look out for alternative explanations when dealing with just about anything.  Lot of things are changing at alarmingly increased speed. How things develop and things pass. There is more than whats on the surface. Like the tip of the iceberg, most of it is submerged where you really can’t see it unless you stick your head into the cold waters. 🙂

The following is an excerpt from ” WhatConspiracy Theory
If ”

What if… Continue reading