
www.facebook.com – add me as a friend on Facebook! www.squidoo.com – For those who “Like” Abraham! In this excerpt, Esther Hicks / Abraham talks with a woman about how to re-frame the way she looks at relationships that wouldn’t normally exist, except for a family tie. This is a great excerpt for all of us, since I’m sure we’ve all noticed that “you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family” (er, well, except that Abraham says we… Continue reading

Abraham Hicks. www.abraham-hicks.com. Clip from Asheville NC 10/13/10. All recorded and printed Abraham Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. Please see their website for more information about The Teachings of Abraham.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

www.squidoo.com – For those who “Like” Abraham! (add me on Facebook! link at end of description) *** So, where does fairness fit in with the Law of Attraction anyway? Why is it that some people are successful after having broken all… Continue reading

SomeChicksLife.com – Law of Attraction blog with JOYFUL interviews! Download AbrahamFan29’s free Law of Attraction eBooks, too 🙂 — Greetings, my fellow Abraham Fans 🙂 In this excerpt, Esther Hicks / Abraham is working with a man on the topic of insecurities such as unworthiness or feeling unliked/unloved. If you find that on occasion you have near-unstoppable waves of insecurity about your place in the world around you, and whether people like you or whether you’re worth the things you… Continue reading