

lightworkers.org Welcome beloved ones, once more we come to guide YOU through the veils of illusion to TRUTH. Many are now beginning to move towards TRUTH and we give much love and blessings to those who are now rejoicing in the “new”, for many have found the road to freedom that lives within each and every human BEing alive across the planet. For those who walk with illusion and are finding the struggle of the human life experience frustrating… Continue reading

lightworkers.org Welcome beloveds, we come to guide and support at this time. We have guided words about duality yet we note that many are still pulled back into the illusion of separation. We come to guide and support and to once again help clear the veil of illusion around LOVE. Many are now beginning to wake up and realise that there is much more to the human life experience than they are being shown by the media, by society and… Continue reading

lightworkers.org www.crystalline-sanctuary.com Welcome beloved ones we are the high council of orion and we come to guide and support ALL at this time. We work closely with Archangel Michael in protecting and supporting ALL as many are being triggered by that which must be released so that the new may be born. Many are still walking in the darkness which is illusion and we guide ALL to detach and to look within. For to look within is to find the… Continue reading

lightworkers.org aquariuschannelings.wordpress.com There is no doubt in our minds that the subtle disclosures you are experiencing with your media are to snowball into a full worldwide disclosure announcement. Your media has even as of late been broadcasting the ‘infighting’ of the last dark cabal to you all*, and if you haven’t noticed local and national reports of our starship sightings have increased tenfold in quite a short amount of time. This is a part of the planning process and we… Continue reading

lightworkers.org Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We greet you with love in our hearts and blessings from the Pleiades. As we monitor and survey the current situation on the Earth there are various places where our energy and attention is needed. We refer to these places as strongholds. From our ships and with our technology we direct energy to these places of imbalance and where there could be catastrophic conditions. This means that there is a… Continue reading

Spiritual Guidance – More on the Veils of Illusion lightworkers.org

Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Orion August 2011